About Us
Zero to Landfill Organics was established in 2009 with our first client, Spur Head Office in Century City, Cape Town. We started composting only 196 kg of food waste per month at Soil for Life in Constantia, Cape Town. In 2010 we moved to a larger composting site located at the Business Place in Philippi and in 2013 we moved to the farm Geduld also in Philippi. In 2024 we moved again to new purpose built premises located at the Philippi Agrihub where we were able to expand our operations and compost food waste, fat trap waste, garden waste and paper towel diverting it from landfill.
Company History
August 2009
Our First Client
Spur Head Office, Century City appoints us as their service provider to compost all their garden and food waste generated at their office.
2009 - 2010
Composting at Soil for Life
We increase our volumes of food waste and do all our composting at Soil for Life's garden in Constantia, Cape Town.
Composting at The Business Place, Philippi
After out growing Soil for Life, we move to The Business Place, Philippi composting over 35 tons of food and garden waste per month
Geduld Farm Composting Site, Philippi
Our third move to our current site has enabled us to increase the amount of waste we compost to 150 tons per month using a front end loader
Animal Mortality composting trial
In partnership with Pet Farewell's, we trialed animal mortality composting as an alternative to land filling welfare animals.
Avian Flu Outbreak
We assisted the Department of Agriculture with on-farm composting of the huge numbers of poultry mortalities caused by the Avian Influenza outbreak in the Western Cape.
Compostable Plastic Trial
Conducted compostablility trials for various types of compostable plastics under home composting and industrial composting conditions.
Tulbagh Zero Waste Project
Established a composting facility in Tulbagh to compost food and garden waste diverted from landfill by the Zero Waste Project run by WAAI
Organic Waste Diversion Plan - Swellendam Municipality
Created an OWDP for the Swellendam Municipality to divert organic waste from Bontebok landfill to composting
May 2024
Assisted with establishing the Langebaan Transfer Station compost site
Assisted the Saldanha Bay Municipality to establish a food waste and garden waste composting site
July 2024
Moved our facility to the Philippi Agrihub
Moved to the established composting facility developed by the Philippi Economic Development Initiative at the Philippi Agrihub