Anything that used to be alive can be composted, ask us how.

We will show you how to do it

Contact us so we can help you make sure the organic waste you
produce ends up where it belongs, back in the soil.

Comprehensive Organic Waste Recycling Solutions For Your Business
Zero organic waste to landfill can be a reality. Organic Waste can be recycled through composting and returned back into the soil as nutrient-rich humus. During the composting process, which is essentially bacteria and fungi hard at work, complex compounds such as fats and proteins are broken down into carbon dioxide, water vapor and nitrates. Using simple actively turned compost heaps we are able to process all types of organic waste including food waste, garden waste, paper towel and fat trap waste, diverting it from landfill and making compost to feed our soils.
Organic waste management is key to a comprehensive recycling plan. Call us for a site assessment to determine the best system for your business
Includes source separation training for staff, dedicated food waste bins, collection, composting, bin washing and reporting. Call us today for a quote.
All waste we collect is weighed to give you an accurate report on organic waste produced monthly by your business. As a City of Cape Town accredited composting facility we can supply you with a composting certificate to prove your organic waste was responsibly processed into compost.
We can assist with organic waste audits, waste minimisation plans and implementation strategies. We also specialise in drawing up Organic Waste Diversion Plans for Municipalities to comply with Western Cape landfill permit requirements.
We accept various types of organic waste from waste logistics companies for processing at our facility including garden waste, food waste, fat trap waste and paper waste.
The organic waste landfill ban is coming soon in the Western Cape. Landfilling of organic waste will have to be reduced by 50% by 2022 and 100% by 2027. Make sure your business has a plan to divert organic waste from landfill to meet the targets. Our facility is both registered with the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning under the Norms and Standards for Organic Waste Composting and accredited by the City of Cape Town Department of Urban Waste Management.
Collections of business garden waste for composting at our composting facility.
We can assist apartments and complexes to implement hygienic source separation of food waste. By including organic waste in a recycling programme up to 90% of all waste can be recycled.